Tuesday, April 22, 2014

SMU_On line Resitting Window open for July/August 2014 Exam.

Dear SMU Students,

On line Resitting Windows for July/August 2014 is open.Last date to apply is 28th May 2014. Re-sitting Fees per paper is Rs.400.
Preferred Payment mode for resitting fees is Debit/Credit Card.

Examination Deptt
Cybotech Campus

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dear SMU Students,

We are happy to inform you that the Jan 2014 examination results of all students have been declared and are available athttp://results.smude.edu.in/

Information Desk
Cybotech Campus

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Marks Card for 3rd Lot Arrived

Dear SMU Students,

January 2014 Examination 3rd Lot Result Mark Card has been received from SMU-DE.All concerned students are requested to collect from Logistics Deptt.

Information Desk
Cybotech Campus